
Bed Bug Exterminator Techs Offer a Variety of Treatment Options

Bed bugs can be a particularly difficult pest to spot and treat effectively. This is because they are often found in areas that are unoccupied or where there is no trace of human activity. That being said, there is also a fair chance that your entire infestation isn’t confined to just one room in the…

Using Eco-Friendly Treatments For Bed Bug Extermination

Effective Bed Bug Exterminator technology uses a two-stage heat treatment method that uses High-Efficiency Virus Scrubbers, Dry-Zip Bed Bug Spray, Dry Gust Compression Foam, Dry-Vacuum Flotation, Dry Ice, Vacuum Assisted Chemical, Microwave Oven, Chemical Deodorizers, Dusting, and Ultraviolet (UV) Treatment. First, the eggs and pests are removed by suction then dry vacuuming to reach the…

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